Project C2020-20-13

Full title: Development of novel meshfree techniques for analysis of cracked plates under bending

Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Truong Tich Thien (Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology – VNU-HCM)

My role: researcher

This project aims to develop novel techniques for the meshfree XRPIM analysis of cracked plate structures under bending. Main results:

  1. The problem domain is not discretized into elements. Therefore the enriched scheme is simpler than XFEM.
  2. RPIM shape function possesses Kronecker delta proprety.
  3. For numerical integration, the Cartesian Transformation Method (CTM) is shown to be more suitable for meshfree analysis than the well-known Gaussian quadrature.

Expected outputs: 2 papers on ISI peer-reviewed journals (Q1)

  1. Evaluation of fracture parameters in cracked plates using an extended meshfree method.
  2. A novel meshfree radial point interpolation method with discrete shear gap for nonlinear static analysis of functionally graded plates.

This project was successfully defended in July 2022.