Project 107.02-2019.327

Full title: Development of meshfree methods for finite deformation fracture analysis

Principal investigator: Dr. Nguyen Thanh Nha (Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology – VNU-HCM)

My role: researcher

This project aims to develop novel techniques for the meshfree RPIM analysis of large deformation in cracked and uncracked hyperelastic solids (neo-Hookean materials). Main results:

  1. The Cartesian Transformation Method (CTM) is enhanced by NURBS, allowing higher accuracy and higher efficiency in numerical integration of complicated geometries.
  2. The Combined Approximation (CA) is proposed as a reduced-basis analysis. Consequently, computational effort is saved.
  3. The method is investigated in hyperelastic cracked bodies

Expected outputs: 2 papers on ISI peer-reviewed journals (Q1)

  1. A reduced basis approach using enhanced meshfree and combined approximation for large deformation.
  2. A meshfree model enhanced by NURBS-based Cartesian transformation method for cracks at finite deformation in hyperelastic solids.