Topology optimization of Reissner-Mindlin plates

Title in Vietnamese: Tối ưu topology cho tấm chịu uốn sử dụng lý thuyết tấm Reissner-Mindlin Author: Nguyễn Anh Mỹ Thesis defended in 07/2021, at Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology. This thesis focuses on multi-material topology optimization of Reissner-Mindlin plates. For finite element analysis, the locking-free three-node discrete shear gap element (DSG3) is … Read more

Topology optimization

Topology optimization is finding the optimum material layout that satisfies some pre-defined requirement, e.g.: Compliance problem: Minimization of strain energy (equivalent to maximizing the stiffness of the structure), given volume constraint; or Stress-constrained problem: Minimization of weight without exceeding stress limit at any points. Material design: Maximization (or minimization) of a specified homogenized property, even … Read more

Terminology in Finite Element Method

FEM for structural problems

Strong formulation (or Strong form): the partial differential equation that governs the problem. For example: the equilibrium equation in solid mechanics, the Fourier’s equation for transport of thermal energy, the Fick’s law for mass transport, etc. Below is the equilibrium equation in solid mechanics, which satisfies at every point of the problem domain. $\nabla \cdot … Read more