Full title: Analysis of behavior in cracked solids subject to mechanical and thermal loadings using the Consecutive-interpolation finite element method (CFEM)
Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Truong Tich Thien (Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology – VNU-HCM)
My role: PhD researcher
This project aims to improve the extended finite element method (XFEM) in solving problems of linear thermoelastic fracture mechanics, by introducing the new technique of consecutive-interpolation procedure. Main results:
- The proposed method, namely XCFEM, is developed for isotropic and orthotropic materials, under either static or dynamic loadings.
- The results evaluated by XCFEM have better accuracy than that by XFEM.
Outputs of the project: 2 papers on ISI peer reviewed journal (Q1).
- Simulation of dynamic and static thermoelastic fracture problems by extended nodal gradient finite elements.
- Thermal-mechanical crack propagation in orthotropic composite materials by the extended four-node consecutive-interpolation element (XCQ4).
This project was successfully defended.